SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE session_id = plsmgtvtdqtreuur78ohhjsgd2
Speed: 2.031 ms
INSERT INTO sessions
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(plsmgtvtdqtreuur78ohhjsgd2,, CCBot/2.0 (, 1739403958, 1739403958, 0, ,
Speed: 7.697 ms
SELECT * FROM journals WHERE path = Pa
Speed: 2.711 ms
Speed: 2.082 ms
Speed: 11.105 ms
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = plugins.generic.usageStats.UsageStatsLoader
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Speed: 0.677 ms
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = plugins.importexport.datacite.DataciteInfoSender
Speed: 0.665 ms
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = plugins.importexport.medra.MedraInfoSender
Speed: 1.078 ms
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = plugins.importexport.crossref.CrossrefInfoSender
Speed: 0.823 ms
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = plugins.importexport.crossref.CrossrefInfoSender
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SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = classes.tasks.ReviewReminder
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SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = classes.tasks.SubscriptionExpiryReminder
Speed: 0.998 ms
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = classes.tasks.OpenAccessNotification
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SELECT a.article_id AS pub_id,
COALESCE(atl.setting_value, atpl.setting_value) AS article_title
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issues i,
articles a
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LEFT JOIN article_settings atpl ON (a.article_id = atpl.article_id AND atpl.setting_name = cleanTitle AND atpl.locale = a.locale)
WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id
AND a.status <> 0
AND i.issue_id = pa.issue_id
AND i.published = 1
AND s.section_id IS NOT NULL AND a.journal_id = 1
Speed: 438.735 ms
SELECT pa.*,
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id
AND a.status <> 0
AND a.article_id = 36
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Speed: 3.050 ms
SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 38
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SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 36
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SELECT * FROM article_supp_file_settings WHERE supp_id = 189
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SELECT * FROM article_supp_file_settings WHERE supp_id = 190
Speed: 1.340 ms
SELECT * FROM article_supp_file_settings WHERE supp_id = 191
Speed: 1.157 ms
SELECT * FROM article_supp_file_settings WHERE supp_id = 192
Speed: 1.254 ms
SELECT * FROM article_supp_file_settings WHERE supp_id = 193
Speed: 1.218 ms
SELECT * FROM article_supp_file_settings WHERE supp_id = 194
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COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title,
COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE article_id = 36
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SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 36
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SELECT * FROM sections WHERE section_id = 1
Speed: 1.277 ms
SELECT * FROM section_settings WHERE section_id = 1
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SELECT * FROM issue_settings WHERE issue_id = 3
Speed: 2.226 ms
SELECT pa.*,
COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title,
COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id
LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id
AND a.status <> 0
AND a.article_id = 135
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Speed: 1.998 ms
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE article_id = 135
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SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 135
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SELECT * FROM section_settings WHERE section_id = 2
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Speed: 1.336 ms
SELECT pa.*,
COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title,
COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id
AND a.status <> 0
AND a.article_id = 60
Speed: 2.132 ms
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SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 84
Speed: 0.896 ms
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE article_id = 60
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SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 60
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SELECT * FROM section_settings WHERE section_id = 6
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Speed: 1.222 ms
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COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title,
COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id
AND a.status <> 0
AND a.article_id = 118
Speed: 1.851 ms
Speed: 1.207 ms
SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 111
Speed: 0.793 ms
SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 112
Speed: 0.679 ms
SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 118
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Speed: 1.064 ms
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE article_id = 118
Speed: 2.334 ms
SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 118
Speed: 1.879 ms
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
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AND a.status <> 0
AND a.article_id = 47
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE article_id = 47
Speed: 1.652 ms
SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 47
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Speed: 1.062 ms
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
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articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
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AND a.article_id = 57
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE article_id = 57
Speed: 1.644 ms
SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 57
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
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FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE article_id = 50
Speed: 1.614 ms
SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 50
Speed: 1.292 ms
SELECT pa.*,
COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title,
COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE article_id = 59
Speed: 1.638 ms
SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 59
Speed: 1.126 ms
SELECT pa.*,
COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title,
COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id
LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
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Speed: 2.611 ms
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
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Speed: 1.793 ms
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Speed: 1.481 ms
SELECT pa.*,
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
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AND a.status <> 0
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articles a
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Speed: 1.017 ms
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articles a
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FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
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SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 18
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
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articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
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FROM articles a
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
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articles a
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articles a
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
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articles a
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articles a
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FROM articles a
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WHERE article_id = 33
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
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articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
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FROM articles a
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
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articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
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AND a.article_id = 21
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WHERE article_id = 21
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
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articles a
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AND a.status <> 0
AND a.article_id = 138
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FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE article_id = 138
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SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 138
Speed: 1.578 ms
SELECT pa.*,
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
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FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
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AND a.status <> 0
AND a.article_id = 109
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FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE article_id = 109
Speed: 1.837 ms
SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 109
Speed: 1.226 ms
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US)
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
WHERE article_id = 110
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Speed: 1.166 ms
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM published_articles pa,
articles a
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COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
FROM articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US)
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articles a
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LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US)
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AND a.article_id = 84
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FROM articles a
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SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 62
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SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 108
Speed: 1.841 ms
Speed: 1.416 ms
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 109
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SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 110
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